Friday 18 February 2011

Target audience research

To ensure the specific pages of my music magazine were created to the highest possible standard, and were as successful as possible, I carried out research on my target audience to see what they personally wanted from a magazine. To do this, I firstly created a magazine and got 20 people to fill it out.

In my questionnaire I asked nine questions. I decided to keep the questionnaire short to make sure the volunteer doesn't lose interest and tick the answers randomly. These nine questions included asking people what genre of music they liked, what features of a magazine front cover appealed to them, which magazine them they preferred and how much they would be willing to pay for a magazine.

 I asked 20 different people to fill in the questionnaires and after collecting the questionnaires back in, I created graphs with the results, by creating graphs I was able to compare all the results and make some decisions for my magazine based on the results.

After creating my graphs I was able to analyse my results and make some decisions about my magazine. By asking the respondent their age, their gender and whether they were interested in music or not, I was able to get a better idea of what my target audience wanted. I also asked what music genre they are interested in so I know which genre should predominantly appear in the magazine.

I then asked out of seven colours, which ones they would like to see on the front cover and decided I would select the top 3 colours to make up my colour scheme for my front cover. When analysing myresults the colours blue, grey and black so when creating my magazine the front cover will predominantly be made up of those three colours. I then asked the respondent out of a list of 11 features, which they thought were important to have on a front cover. Out of all of the results each feature was selected at least twice. From analysing the results I decided that the price, magazine name, images, more than one cover line and a barcode should be shown on my magazine. I also decided that I will also include an issue number. All of these features were voted highly and I agreed that they should be displayed on the front cover.

After deciding on the aesthetic aspects of my magazine I asked what the respondent would be willing to pay for a music magazine, I needed to see how much my target audience would be willing to pay for the magazine so they would actually buy it. The majorty of the respondents said they would be willing to pay £2.00 for the magazine. I have decided I will keep this price. The other question I asked the respondent is which name they prefered out of Azure, Sonata, Aria Click and Zinc. The names scored 4, 3, 3, 4, 6 respecitively. Due to this result I will be calling my music magazine 'Zinc'.

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